Not a ripple disturbs the oily surface

34’48.1N 033’50.3W course 008′ speed 4,7kn
The ocean has gone calm. Not a ripple disturbs the oily surface, where a slow swell is the only reason you see the water move. It rises and falls lazily, stars reflect on the surface and the moonlight is almost bright enough to read a book by. The Azores are only a few hundred miles away, but you would think the whole world is covered by this dark oily substance on a night like this. Wind is not expected to return with any vigor any time soon. So we will be under engine for at least another 24 hours.

During the day we had a short swim stop, just to break the rhythm of the engine, we turned it off and got the nets down, and jump in! The temperature of the water is now down to 24,5 degrees… which for us, really feels cold! After swimming in 30 degrees surface water and lazy-ing about in the water for hours without cooling down.. this temperature gave everybody a jolt. We still had our big jib, staysail and mizzen up, because while under engine they where still helping.. but when the engine was turned off, the gave us only 0,6 knots speed.. slow enough for the whole crew to swim next to the ship and go forward for a photo shoot moment!

As we are “short” on time, we did not linger very long. 30 minutes swim, engine and oil check, and off we went. After dinner we took all the sails down, when the wind had really gone completely. And that is what our world looks like right now, sails down and a beautiful night sky, filled with stars!

We also had washing day! Clean clothing all around the ship, making everything smell good! And with all of us clean from the swim and shower, we are one clean boat! During dinner most of the crew were very quiet, I think the exercise and cold water took a lot of energy!

While underway we started seeing more and more plastic floating around. Small bits at first and then a whole pallet. Around the pallet were dozens of small fishes, hiding in the shade of the pallet and eating the small bits of ocean growth that was on it already. While having dinner we saw a big green container float around, a jerry can of sorts. We made a man over board drill of it and collected the big piece of plastic. The drill was successful and we now have a green drum on board that used to be filled with something very nasty, but is empty by the feel of it.

Plastic on a big ocean like this, is a problem. We often see things floating by, smaller and bigger, most of it clearly ship related items, drums, rope, netting, pallets, tarpaulins or whole crates for fish storage. And sometimes small items, plastic bags, bottles, just every day rubbish that does not belong in the ocean, but somehow got there.. by floating down rivers, originating in cities or blown over board of a ship. Thinking of all the turtles that get sick thinking a plastic bag is a jelly fish, or the micro plastics that end up clogging the intestine of fish.. is just saddening. So thats why we pick up that drum.. that ugly bright green, floating drum. It also sparks up the right conversation and topics on board. Things we really should discuss more and be more aware off, our rubbish and where it ends up!

So with that, we wish you a pleasant weekend! All is well on board, Jet

One Response to “Not a ripple disturbs the oily surface

  • Boukje
    9 months ago

    How wonderful to create awareness for the plastic soep created by men…
    I tried to do that with the Catchfish in Harlingen (tired of All the plastic in our seas she carries plastic items in her belly). Please do visit her at the Willemskade in Harlingen (nearby the Brouwdok for a Nice beer)!

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