2-2-2025 1230 boat time
56’37S 067’10W
Our last fresh stores came on board yesterday. It was wurth the wait. Simon our local grocerie gets surplies once a week on saterday. We had put in an order and sure enough it was there. We cleared out with our agent “Cocha”who arranged our permit to sail south. We could not have asked for a better start. The black browed Albatrosses were waiting for us in the Beagle and cheered us along as we sped through the narrows. Alcomar Snipe, the armada post on the little island of the same name gave us permision to use Passo Richmond. This is the shortes rout south to pass the famous rock. And there it was in al its glorrie… A misty morning but the contours are unmistakable! Kaap Horn! Always a special moment. And even the least mariner on board got some what excited. There on that rock in the Wollaston group lives an armada family who operates the radio station at the end of the world. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wollaston_Islands) They must be fast a sleep. Or maybe have one eye on the AIS transponder to make sure we dont creep up on them… Their youngest is the same age as my oldest and i cannot but help wonder what it would be like living in such surroundings! For a brief moment we share their world and their wonders. As we do with Simon and Cocha!
You can follow us again! Every 4 hours a new position: https://my.yb.tl/Tecla

We are on our way south, all the way south! A southerly blow is for casted and for that reason we are making some westing. We have entered the coloseum that is the Drake. The eye in the needle of the Southern-Ocean!
All is well