One week underway!

20’51.2S 002’20.9E course 359′ speed 4,3 kn

Today we have been underway for a whole week, we have covered over 1100 miles and are still enjoying each others company. Although progress has been good this last week, we are heading into lighter winds from here on. We are surrounded by showers, small but they make the wind change direction and strength all the time. Half an hour ago, we were doing 8,5 knots and a course of 314′ over the ground.. a bit of a change with now.. It seems that due to this frequently changing wind, the waves are messy and steep, instead of long swell from one direction. Sometimes we are violently shaken by just one wave.. and when its gone we can have smooth sailing for 15 minutes no problem.

We have started our celestial navigation lessons, but were too late for our meridian passage. Getting used to the instruments and standing on a rocking ship trying to find a little dot in the sky is harder then you would think! Tom and Myrthe have already been introduced with the theory and handling the instruments. That makes our first lessons easy as they can help me out trying to instruct the others.

Other then that, we have over come our chicken situation, but are now in a full flung Banana situation. As we seem to be on every crossing. Instead of 15 kilos of banana’s they delivered nearly 32 kilo’s, over 300 pieces.. And of course they are all ripe at the same time! Which is NOW!
So we have banana bread in the make and banana pudding for desert and banana chutney for dinner.. any other creative solutions? We would love to make more banana bread and freeze it, or even freeze the banana’s, but as we have just come out of our chicken crisis, we have absolutely no room yet in the freezer…. So any recipe’s that take up a lot of banana and will not involve the freezer… please send them through!

In the meantime we are back doing 7,5 knots on a course of 336′, thats better!

Nearly time for the wake up call for the next watch, its dark outside. No moon, hardly a star in sight and some dark gloomy clouds around. The temperature is nice, one layer and a jacket with long pants is the best, shorts and sweater is possible, but a little die-hard.

All is well on board, Jet

3 Responses to “One week underway!

  • Boukje
    10 months ago

    So bananas everywhere!?
    What about banana pancakes or cookies?
    Banana yoghurt?
    Baked bananas indonesian style?
    Banana milkshake?

    Good luck everyone, everything ok here at school!

  • Werner
    10 months ago

    Yes. More banana pancakes!

  • Rob Hoogenhout
    10 months ago

    Dank voor de inspirerende en leuke logboeken. Wij zijn natuurlijk zeer geïnteresseerd in het wel en wee van onze lieve kleindochter.
    Bij het lezen van de Tecla-historie viel mijn oog op het woord logger. Dat deed mij denken aan mijn jeugdjaren in Scheveningen waar ik vaak in de vissershaven de loggers en trawlers bekeek en over de hoog opgestapelde haringtonnetjes liep.
    Die loggers gingen trouwens niet zo ver van huis als Tecla ! Wens jullie goede vaart.

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