29’45.0N 014’49.1W course 264’ speed 6,6kn
Possibly our last night out for this voyage, just 122 miles to go and a nice speed and breeze to do it with.

At 00:30h we gybed from our southerly course to make some West, so we can gybe again at 06:00 and make for Tenerife. The winds are supposed to decrease the closer we get to Tenerife, but we hope to make the most of it while it lasts.. and we are loving it!
The stars are out and it is one of the most splendid things to gaze upon. It has been extremely dark the past few days and so we can see the milky way, we can see Orions belt and bow very clearly, as we have been steering by it for days now. The longer you gaze into the darkness, the more stars you will find. Without any light pollution around, except for our sail and board lights, it is a very special thing to behold!
This morning was pretty amazing as well, although not in my watch, I did had to see the picture, a group of dolphins joined the Tecla on her course south, just as the sun was rising. We believe they may have been Atlantic Spotted dolphins, with a lot of juveniles in the group as some of them seemed a lot smaller. It was so beautiful that some of the oncoming watch, got woken up a little earlier, so as not to miss a thing!
Our ETA is set for 19:00h tomorrow evening, and with our current speed, we could even be there a little earlier. That would mean the end of this voyage, a little later then expected, but luckily with these last few days with smooth water sailing and sunshine to make us forget the near gale and gale force winds we met somewhere half way. Our socks have all dried out, our foulies have not seen the light of day since days and our thermals have been stored away. Instead we wear flip-flops and sunscreen and feel like we have been sailing like this for most of the trip. What a little sunshine can do.
You can follow the Tecla on the YB every 4 hours: https://my.yb.tl/Tecla
But near the coast every minute on MarineTraffic: https://www.marinetraffic.com
All is well, Jet