

After 3 good weeks we reached the final destination of our this trip yesterday afternoon. Rounded the Reykjanes peninsula in a thick fog but managed to hold on to the breeze until nearly the end. We ticked a few boxes these last weeks! 16 islands, 5 countries 6 languages, one sea and one ocean, 1350 nml,  a 100 plus stories and countless new people! Memories were made! I have heart many highlights! Fairisle and Skarabrea, A smashing sail to North Unst, a summers day at Holy island, Pady the guide at Rousey show took us to the tombs. The list is endless and personal for every one on board. The trail of Viking history was just a small part of our journey. The encounters with wild live and the satisfaction of team work where maybe of greater importance. There is not much that can beat a white beaked dolfine riding the bow wave or a puffin flying up to its burrow with a beak full of fish. These are the things that set a trip like this a part. Unexpected adventures that will have a lasting memory! 

A big thank you to all on board! 


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