Rocking and rolling!

55’35.7N 009’23.7 course 178′ speed 6,2kn

As we made our way out of the Minch we started to feel more and more swell. With winds too light to sail, we kept our speed up under engine, to make as much South as possible. Around 8:30 we felt there was enough wind and we started to set the #2 jib and the mainsail (first reef) as the staysail and reefed mizzen were already up. It was a bit of a workout, but worth every cough and drop of sweat! We turned of the engine and were able to keep our speed on a 7 knot average even going up to 8,5 every now and then.
The wind was North, so we chose, mainly because of the direction of the big ocean swell, to head South West and keep the sails full. We had a nice 8 hours of sailing before the wind died again.

The big swell and cross swell, due to the fast changing strong winds, made the Tecla dance on the waves, shaking it and rolling it. This did not help the seasick. BUT they are battling through and lunch and dinner can be had twice, if you want to.

As the wind died we turned South, heading for Ireland. Hopefully today we can motor sail, making some West and South and take an anchorage during the night as there is a lot of wind predicted for the following morning on the 27th. Or so the weather report of the afternoon of the 25th said. We are getting a new one in now.

For about 8 hours now, we have been followed by a swarm of, I think, Skylarks, they are brown with a little yellow streak on their chin. They seem to want to land, they sing out to each other, but none have been able to find a spot they seemed to like enough. We can see them swarming around our toplight in the mainmast. And we can hear their chirp, but they seem to be a long way from where they are supposed to be.

We forgot our picture of the day contest, due to getting sails down around dinner time. But we promise we will send two pictures tomorrow! The Yellowbrick is also working again, battery was empty.

All is well on board!

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