Shaking out our reefs

48’51.9S 056’20.5W course 202′ speed 6,4kn

Making miles South as quick as possible, is all its been about the last 24 hours! We set the mainsail at 04:00, with one reef in. We changed the storm jib to the #2 jib at 13:30, we shook the main reef at 20:00 and we shook the mizzen reef at 22:00! Nice and busy! We need to keep busy as well, as the cold of the South is seeping into our bones if we sit still for too long! The only extra square meter increase we can get now is the #1 jib and the topsails. We will see about the #1 jib when it gets light, but the topsails are staying down. The pressure of this cold air is just so different, it takes a little time to get used to and to read it completely.

The Falkland Islands are tangibly close now. Just over 160 miles to the reporting line between Volunteer point and Cape Pembroke. A special moment in time and one I am looking forward to. I may have said it in previous years, but arriving on the Falkland Islands is like arriving at your holiday home (not that I have one, but one can fantasize). It feels like coming home to a place filled with adventure and good memories. Its thrilling to see what has changed, how was the winter, any new plans for our friends and acquaintances here on the Southern Hemisphere etc.

Gentoo pinguïn on the falklands

And also, they have penguins.

Picture of the day was won by Floris, a picture taken yesterday morning, when we stopped wearing our harnesses at the watch handover and Joel decided it was time to cheer everybody up, with some Christmas Vibes.

In the galley we have another Christmas vibe living, it is called Bas. Bas seems to weigh a ton and is getting heavier with every 2 or 3 days, when it gets fed some rum! Our Christmas Pudding is smelling and looking awfully nice!

Soete and I are both in our biggest down jackets. I still refuse to wear gloves, not sure why, they get in the way I guess, but really, gloves would be a good idea. The air temperature has dropped in the last few days, with tonight being the coldest so far! Temperature has dropped below 10 degrees and the windchill makes it feel like 4 degrees. It has a bite to it.. It says welcome to the South! Midsummer is only a day away!

All is well on board,

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