Super Scone Sunday

Super Scone Sunday
After another beautiful night of sailing, the wind started easing out during the day. This lead to an annoying flapping sound while the waves were still rocking us, but with a little sunshine it also meant a nice temperature on deck. The course has been changed a lot during the day to keep the sails full and the topsails were set just after lunch.

With the lunch came fluffy perfect scones made by the blue watch, Steven and Ed. Served outside while they were still hot, they were a real treat! Sunday dinner was chicken roast out of the oven with rice and sweet and sour vegetables, and our customary ‘Sunday dinner beer’.

The day has been mainly grey with slight drizzle in the morning and a cold breeze. So when the wind decreased a little and a slither of sun came through the clouds, it felt warm on deck instantly. Those on watch would start pealing of layers and those not on watch would poke their head outside and have a cup of tea while enjoying the calm weather.
We did about 163 miles in the last 24 hours, with now about 590 miles to Ireland.

Right now the engine is on because of a lack of wind. We are expecting a strong breeze later tomorrow, so this might be the calm before the wind. We are all in our sailing suits, with thermals on.. it has been a while since the marino wool had to help us through the night. We are heading towards summer though, with nice long days and hopefully some sun!

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