Hello and goodbye Port Stanley
Hello and goodbye Stanley, The ending of the logbooks is always very abrupt, we arrive and the bustle of.
Hello and goodbye Stanley, The ending of the logbooks is always very abrupt, we arrive and the bustle of.
When the winds start blowing like they are doing this week. When the leaves fall from the trees and the.
Canal O’Brien, Patagonia After our stop in Puerto Williams we set of for our holiday within the holiday. No time.
Not two weeks after we have published our sailing season 2017 – and our first ever voyage to Greenland is.
Setting out for her sailing season, the Tecla will set sail from Amsterdam to Inverness – heading into the Caledonian.
The Tecla is back in Oban and getting ready for 3 extra trips in Scotland. And although one of the.
During the maritiem festival La Semaine du Golfe in and around Vannes, the Tecla sailed daytrips and was part of.
On board there is plenty of time to catch up on some reading. At home there is always something to.
We have left Caravelas and spend 24 hours on the Abrolhos. 7 of these hours where spend under water… scraping.
Two nights ago Diane stayed on deck a bit longer after her watch. We were supposed to tack in 30.