Tag: wind

Wind, no wind…..or too….?

Wind, no wind…..or too….?

26’44.5N 036’26.9W course 015 speed 6.0knWe seem to have had all sorts of weather today! Wind, no wind, a little.

Squally night sunny day 08:29utc 7-6-2013Buiige nacht en zonnige dag 08:29utc 7-6-2013

Squally night sunny day 08:29utc 7-6-2013 Last night we took down the jib for a few hours and reeved the.

Getting ready for some serious sailing 23:32utc 1-6-2013Schip klaar maken voor een stukje serieus zeilen 23:32utc 1-6-2013

Getting ready for some serious sailing 23:32utc 1-6-2013 Today we spent our afternoon getting ready for some serious sailing. The.

we have crossed the equator! Meeting Neptune 03:32 UTC 2-3-2013We zijn de evenaar over! Ontmoeting met Neptunis 03:32 UTC 2-3-2013

we have crossed the equator! Meeting Neptune 03:32 UTC 2-3-2013 Last night we crossed the equator at 026’16.3W around 20:30!.