Today is our halfway mark

Today is our halfway mark, we have sailed over half of the calculated distance –
4200 NM, with just under 2000 miles left as I write this. But that is calculated
distance, a fresh North East might takes us around a few hundred miles..

After our mainsail tore yesterday (the damage has been done on one of
the repairs made during this circumnavigation) we have been sailing around with
the first reef in the mainsail, the damage being to complex to fix by hand and
not weaken the sail further. Although we missed the power of the main and the
maintopsail at first, we were happy they were down last night; as the wind
increased and in the middle of the night we had to get the big jib down, swap it
for the second one, and pull a reef in the mizzen. Waves had built up during the
night and as the wind started to increase big shudders began to go through the
whole ship. The whole hull was vibrating with sheer power and speed; every nose
dive into one of the building waves send an even bigger tremble through the
ship, sails would moan, the main mast would crack and grumble and the watch off
watch would lift out of bed for a split second, shift to the back of the bed and
land there as the whole ship seemed to come to a dead stop in some of the short
steep waves.

But as morning came, the wind eased and in the afternoon
“Kiddo” was up again and the reef was out of the mizzen. Never a dull moment!

This night the wind seems a bit more steady, the stars have come out to
shine and the waves have moderated a lot. It is getting chillier. For the first
time the whole crew was in long pants and a jumper tonight; but we are still in
our flipflops! My third cup off coffee is waiting for me outside, so into the
dark night we sail.

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