Topsails up and go

15’08.1S 008’15.5W course 278′ speed 6,8kn

This afternoon it was time for our speed machines to go to work. We were doing only 3 knots, barely keeping the sails filled. So time for our topsails to start pulling their weight, and they did. Setting the topsails with little wind and waves, is always a challenge. It took us nearly 30 minutes to set the maintopsail alone. Up, down, up, sheet first, too much sheet, or maybe too little, sheet all the way in and up went the topsail. The mizzen topsail went up faster, but was attached a little too low, so the boom was leaning into the radar cage, so we had to lower it, adjust the halyard and set it again.

When they were up, our speed was up to 4,5 knots and the ship was leaning into the waves a little better.
Since then the wind has slowly been increasing, first veering a little, so we could nearly keep our course Northwest, but now the wind has backed and we are keeping a nearly Westerly course. In the morning we will gybe and continue on a starboard tack. We should be on that tack some time after that.

Picture of the day was won by Alice with a nice evening team picture .

Also we have made some amazing topsail shots. See above

Other then that, we are all settling back into our rhythm. Days are fairly hot, so we are trying to stay in the shade, in the shade with a little breeze, life is very good on board. Dinner was pumpkin soup with naan bread. We decided to start on the pumpkins already as we have 12 fairly big ones.. and we don’t want the same thing to happen as with the bananas.. all ripe and ready to eat at the same time!

All is well on board, jet

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