Underway again


64’00N 028’06W

Reykjavik is a good place to hide out for the wind. Specially if it is from the south. The Harpa building provides excellent shelter without an extra charge. We stayed a day longer to avoid any brushed egos in the strong southerlies and rough seas. The Saga Museum was a perfect solution to a rainy morning.

created by dji camera

When we did set out yesterday morning the rain had only gathered more strength, but the winds had dropped a little. We made good progress under reefed mizzen, staysail and number two jib. Early this morning we had to turn on the engine because the winds had left us all together. The swell was still there making for some uncomfortable moments. With the speed the boat found its pace again and steadied to the beat. Now at lunch a breeze has sprung up, so it is time to put bodies in motion. Mainsail time!!! We are underway to Greenland. Prince Cristians Sund to be more precise. The storis ice coming from the north with the east Greenland current might block the entrance. It looks like a heavy ice year judging from the ice charts. Plan is to find the edge of the pack and look for a suitable passage through. That is if the weather holds. Otherwise, we will have to round cape Farvel without cutting any corners…

For now we hope to get a glimpse of the sun and warm our limbs…

All is well


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