67.05.2 north. 167 31.8 west
course 009. speed 7.5 kn
We are at sea. That means that with a (very!) professional crew of 4 and 12 guests we are in a strict routine in the day.

That is 8 o’clock breakfast and the 8 till 12 watch comes up.
Being on watch means that we are on deck, doing the steering, doing the lookout, doing the sails. But most of the time we are chatting and having a nice time. Even in the present weather, foggy, damp, no wind at all and about 10 degrees celsius.

At 12 we have lunch and the 12 till 4 watch starts. Again 4 of the guests do their share on deck.
After ‘watch handover’ the 4 till 8 team comes up and at six o’clock we have diner. The evening and night go at the same schedule so you are 4 hours ‘on’ and 8 hours ‘off’.
Today we had a very nice event and break in the routine. At nine in the morning we were passing the polar circle. That was all hands on deck and after a speech of the captain we had a drop of whisky to celebrate the occasion.
Exactly on that moment a little bird came down on deck. Was it coincidence or was it the hand of Neptune.
We guess the last and with the support of Neptune we on our way to point Barrow. Still 370 miles to go, still going stong.
All is well on board, Els