Welcome to the tropics

23’21.4S 003’13.9E course 344′ speed 7.0kn

We have passed the tropic Capricorn (approx 23’27) into the tropics. Other then the number on the gps, we are not feeling too much of it yet. Today was a long pants and t shirt day, during the nights we are still wearing jackets.. which is, I must say, very unexpected, but very pleasant. We have enough weeks ahead of us where we will be hot day and night, better enjoy this while it lasts. The tropic Capricorn and the tropic Cancer on the Northern side, are the maximum Southern or Northern declination of the Sun. Which is a nice fun fact for the start of our celestial navigation lessons, starting today.

Yesterday Joel started our navigational lessons off with a plain chart navigation lesson. Plotting waypoints, courses and positions on a Mercator map. Today we will start with lessons on what is time, what does time tell us about our position on the earth and how can we work with that. Lets see if we have any flat earth theory lovers on board.

During the afternoon Hippo and Hippa were in the galley for the first time. While they followed the lessons on navigational skills, their noses pointed towards the galley more then once. Lovely smells were coming out of that door and they just had to go explore. In the galley they found freshly baked bread, one normal loaf and one banana bread. Hippo was convinced the bananabread was the best thing he had ever smelled, but I believe Hippa liked the normal bread better.. What do you think?

This night watch the wind has been all over the place. Small showers are passing by and the wind backs as they approach, then becomes light for a bit and then veers dramatically just behind the cloud. The precipitation is light, only a few small drops have been felt, but the wind makes for interesting steering.

Todays picture of the day was won by Joel and Alice, it will follow later.. with a small introduction on our new crew members.

Again we have a day with no new flue like symptoms! So all is well on board.

One Response to “Welcome to the tropics

  • Tor Redhead
    10 months ago

    Loving your logs! Reading your news I feel like I’m with you, love to Alice and Joel. We’ve had gales here in Cornwall but they’ve finally eased. All good,
    Love Tor

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