Well deserved swim stop

03’24.8N 020’21.0W course 313′ speed 5,8kn

This afternoon we spend an hour or so on a medical evacuation drill and practiced the neck brace and the stretcher equipment. This meant getting our equipment out, getting the lightest person to be our victim after an imaginary fall down the stairs and walking through the procedure, showing how the stretcher works, how the neck brace works on an actual person, how to perform a headlock and how to respond to a person found on the floor. We decided to do it all outside, not downstairs, because it was just too hot. So when the temperature drops, we will see how we will get Alice outside after finding her on the floor

And after the drill we had a well deserved swim! A cool down and a scrape down on the hull! These pesky barnacles seem to grow bigger families with the days!
The air temperature is about 34 degrees during the day, in the shade.. The water is not even cooling is down that much any more, with a temperature of 25,5 degrees celcius. At night the cool down is minimal, but its there. We enjoy the night watch, with a cooler breeze and all the shade you could want!

The 20 to 24 hours watch had a massive downpour again. Nearly 1,5 hours of solid water falling from the sky, bad visibility and lightning, but only in the distance. At watch hand over Joel jokingly said that they had soaked up all the rain.. and to be honest, they may very well have! The 00 to 04 has been dry up till now, and its 03:00 UTC right now. We even have some stars in the sky, we can see the big dipper, just not Polaris yet. This star is still covered by thunderclouds, maybe tomorrow! If the skies keep clearing like this!

Stella was just saying that it has been a while since we had a good starry night, the best one being in the first few days after leaving Cape Town. No moon, clear skies and therefore such brightness of the stars and milkeway, it seemed close enough to touch!

Other then that, we are still making way using our engine. Sometimes we feel a light breeze, but most of the time the water is like a mirror. Except for the swell running. The swell has already turned into a cross sea of sorts. There are still the larger swell from the South East, but there is also a smaller one from the North East. That is promising for the next few days. Weather report says we will be under engine for at least another 36 hours.. Then… Topsails up and go!!

All is well on board, Jet

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