41’31.4N 009’52.7W course 178’ speed 6kn
After making it out of the Bay of Biscay, we had hoped to find a westerly breeze along the coast of northern Spain and Portugal… or actually, we were hoping for the famous Portuguese north wind, but with the current weather systems passing through, we would have settled for a west possibly west north west… ah but alas a south west pestered us for 24 hours just as we tried to pass Finistere. Stuck between traffic we tried to make south, but had the hardest time to do so.

Once we made some miles west, away from traffic and coastline we were able to turn our course south and even south south west for a short while, straight for Tenerife.
The engine had to help us though, until 4 o clock in the morning when we set mainsail and jib and got out of there!! 7 knots, beautiful sailing. That was good for our spirits!

On the photo the very new jib!!
In the afternoon we decided after such intens sailing and motor sailing as we had done the past few days, that the expedition crew would get out of the 6 hours on 6 hours off Watch and into 4 hours on and 8 hours off, to catch up on some sleep.
Today the weather has been good, after days of rain and bad visibility we are rejoicing at seeing some patches of blue sky. The temperature has been high though. It may be November, but we have not been bitter cold, like we were up North. And the more south we get the more we hope to feel a warm breeze!! It hangs in the air like a promise.
Service is back to normal on board, time to get some of that salt out of the interior and dry our gear!
All is well on board, Jet