28’52.6S 008’56.8E course 299′ speed 7,8kn
Since we have left, we have been enjoying a strong Southeasterly wind, influenced more by a stable high pressure just West of Cape Town, then by the tradewinds. But surely we are closing in quickly on those tradewinds as well! Weather report looks good, strong winds during the day, 28/30 knots and then decreasing to 22 knots, and over time decreasing even more. The waves are boisterous to say the least, they lift us up, roll us around and dump themselves on our deck every now and then. It makes for interesting steering. And even more interesting sleeping positions, with very active dreams. looking forward to the more stable 22 knots of wind.

Today is Sunday, so no extra tasks, but on Monday we will start with some extra presentations on navigation, proper names and nouns for sailing, celestial navigation and so working through all the knowledge Joel and I can share. Our small band of merry sailors is doing really well, seasickness is over and dinner times are very chatty and happy. And although our watches are small, we get lots of work done in them.

We have found two stowaways! Too many miles to turn back, we will just have to bring them to the Netherlands. Their names are Hippo and Hippa, and they are made out of cloth… Hippo and Hippe peaked out of bag on our couch and since they have emerged I have made it my task to show them around and let them enjoy our voyage, so you will be seeing and hearing more about them. They’re a little shy still, but we will get them to open up and enjoy our sailing adventure!
Our friend the flue has made a new victim, luckily the previous victim has completely recovered before we had to send the next one to bed.
Other then that, all is well on board! Jet