Where will you sail the Tecla in 2016

New to our website is a map that gives you some of the possible stopovers for our sailing season 2016. Where will you sail the Tecla in 2016? Possible stop overs have been highlighted with a pin and if you click the pin, you can read some information on what to expect and which of our voyages might bring you to these places.


Where will you sail the Tecla in 2016

Get on board for the real experience. We will take you on an expedition to the Arctic Circle, we will drop anchor with you on deserted islands and take long walks to Glaciers or places with a spectacular view. We will walk in the footsteps of the Vikings and get really close to some of the biggest bird nesting colonies of Europe. For now we have one Map for the whole trip, but soon, each of our voyages will have its own map. So more… Soon!


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