Yard Update!

Since the last Yard Yarns, we have posted a few pictures on our social media outlets to let you all know what is going on, but to get the full picture here is a sum-up off all the work being done or what is ready. 

The exterior has been painted with three layers of primer and the first layer of topcoat. We still have one side of our bulwark to paint and then we can start on the details and the final coat. As long as we have work on our deck – some of the carpenters use the deck if there is not enough space downstairs – we will wait with that last coat, so as not to damage it!!

The masts and booms are ready for their last coat of soft varnish from Epifanes boat varnishes. This will happen end if this week and beginning of next. Hopefully our masts and rigging will be back on board by the 14th of June.

Last week our water and residue / holding tanks were opened. Sadly there is a lot of work that needs to be done before they can be painted. So we have our painters and carpenters working in shifts as they all need to be in the mess room / common room! 

For the interior:

The cabins are nearly ready. Some last painting of ceilings and epoxy in the en-suite bathrooms, and then the floor will be placed. What is left is to clean the cabins thoroughly, get the lights on their spot and get the mattresses in.

The mess room/common room is still some work. But, with 3 carpenters working in there, this should progress very nicely as well.

The galley is ready for the epoxy layers and will then be finished with a stainless steel counter, the electric cooker and steam oven.

Some work is also still to be done on our pantry, this will be last, but certainly not least!!

Then we have some varnishing still to do on our woodwork on deck. The deck chests, the wheel, some blocks and some details.

After that…! We start cleaning, getting the bedlinen, the cushions for the couch, the pictures for the cabins and the interior and make it back into the cosy and warm Tecla interior you know we love. Now upgraded and so much more exclusive and tailor made. 

More updates will follow! But if you would like to know what we are up to on a day to day basis, we keep a good record on our social media! Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram under Tecla Sailing! 

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